What is Google?

Google Inc. is a Google brand company whose main product is the search engine of the same name. It was founded on September 4, 1998, under the leadership of Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

Google Company Definition, History and Features

What is Google? What is its History and Story?

In 2013, this company started working on the Loon Project, where Google wanted to bring the Internet to the world, using hot air balloons as technical support.

Like any company in the United States, it is subject to blockade laws against Cuba, which prevents Cuba from accessing many search engine services in many ways.

Google is arguably the largest and most widely used Internet search engine. It offers a fast and easy way to find information on the web and provides access to many directories.

According to the company, Google currently responds to more than 200 million queries per day. The Google name is a combination of the words googol and goggles.

It also has a search engine for photos, newsgroups, and a directory. The technique that allows a page to be in a good position in the search engine is the patented Web positioning by Google.

In addition to the local sites in each country, in addition to the classic search engine, there is also a Google Personalized Homepage where you can look at links, thematic news, and Google’s email inbox, Gmail.

Google uses a variety of web spiders whose function is to collect and order information. The spider that has been watching the network for the longest time is Googlebot, which is responsible for collecting links that will later be found on Google.

It also has other robots like FreshBot, which scans frequently updated websites like news portals.

When the search engine’s bot reaches your homepage, it can examine the simplicity of its interface. In addition to a small menu, it can distinguish its logo, different categories, boxes, and buttons.

The “I’m Feeling Lucky” button leads to lead us directly to the first result. There is also an advanced search button that allows us to search without knowing Microsoft, Renault, and all popular operators.

In addition to basic search, it has multiple advanced search functions to refine queries.

Main Site Categories

Images: This is the leading search engine specialization for images. As of 2005, they can be filtered by small, medium, large, and huge sizes, among other options.

Groups: It is a web interface to the senior hierarchically classified forum system called Usenet. It is also an archive of all shipments to the network that can be searched using the engine.

News: Automatic newsgathering service. The news website was launched in beta in April 2002. The site has news in over 700 languages ​​and non-free sources, as well as different versions in over 20 languages.

Google Services

Although it is the leading search engine service, the company has a number of additional services.

1) Gmail

On March 31, 2004, Google launched the Gmail service, which stands out among the most popular email services, providing a capacity of 1 gigabyte.

To access a Gmail account for a long time, an invitation from another Gmail user was required. In early February 2007, Gmail released its records ultimately, and it is now possible to sign up without an invitation.

2) Google Video

The user can upload their videos. It also stores videos uploaded by Google from different sources in the public domain or with special permission.

Videos stored on this service are accessible from YouTube, or vice versa, because they purchased YouTube in October 2006.

3) Maps

Maps is a web-based service that allows us to visualize the world through satellite imagery or map images or combine them. Thanks to the search engine, we can search and efficiently view places around the world.

Satellite images share the Earth database; this means they’re the same images we’ll see in that program, and they’re the exact resolution.

4) Adsense

Service for web page managers and web advertising companies. The links on your service website are characterized by the ad being an HTML framework in which the text appears in a Google search view where the links appear, and web admins receive a payment for every click on AdSense.

Google, a leading company in online advertising, is characterized by its fraud pursuit of AdSense clicks, especially those who try it through a PPF.

5) Adwords

AdWords is a fast and easy-to-use tool that allows you to get accurately targeted cost-per-click (CPC) or cost-per-impression (CPM) ads, regardless of your budget.

AdWords ads run on top locations of search and content sites on the growing network, as well as search results on Google.

6) Calendar

The calendar is an agenda that allows different calendars to be differentiated by color. We will enable us to share unique calendars with other users, and we can give them different levels of permissions.

There is the possibility of combining general calendars made by other users, such as a television programming guide or the agenda of your favorite football club.

The calendar can be configured to send a reminder before proceeding to the user’s email account with a file to import an event into the user’s Microsoft Outlook calendar.

7) YouTube

Google has owned YouTube for $1.65 billion since its purchase on October 10, 2006. On this website, users can upload and view videos.

8) Chrome

Chrome is Google’s browser software. Today, it is the most used web browser, and it works synchronously with your mobile devices.

9) Latitude (Terminated)

The Latitude service was launched in February 2009, which allows smartphone owners, Chrome users, or users to run the iGoogle gadget to determine their current location for their friends, as well as track their friends or follow them during a trip.

However, the company decided to turn this feature off on August 9, 2013. Later, it launched its location-sharing feature, offering to integrate it into Maps in 2017.

10) DNS

Google also has a DNS service for resolving Internet domains, which it serves publicly. It has 2 services, IPv4 and IPv6;

IPv4 Addresses: |

IPv6 Addresses: 2001:4860:4860::8888 | 2001:4860:4860::8844

11) Other Services

There is also a calculator for basic arithmetic operations, Calc, and a currency converter; if we write an arithmetic operation in the search box, Calc is activated to give us results.

All active and ongoing Google services are as follows;

Android AutoAndroid OSCalendarCardboardChromeChrome Web Store
ChromebookChromecastConnected HomeContactsDaydream ViewDocs
AlertsCastChatClassroomCloud PrintDuo
MeetOnePayPhotosPlayPlay Books
Play GamesPlay Movies & TVPlay MusicShoppingStoreStreet View
HangoutsKeepMapsMessagesNest WifiNews
PixelPixelbook GoPlay ProtectScholarSearchSheets
SitesSlidesStadiaTilt BrushTranslateVoice
WazeWear OSYouTubeYouTube KidsYouTube MusicYouTube TV


It has been at the center of several controversies regarding its services and financial practices. For example, Google’s book search has had copyright disputes with some authors.

The ongoing collection of cookies and other personal information has raised questions about Google’s respect for users’ privacy.

Blocking Incident

The owner of the Internet search engine received the 2008 Prince of Asturias Award in the category of Communications and Humanities for “its decisive contribution to the progress of peoples beyond ideological, economic, linguistic or racial boundaries,” according to the jury.

The Prince of Asturias Award is the basis for the Prince of Asturias Award, as the university students Sergey Brin and Larry Page, who are today the billionaire owners of Google, created this computing tool over a decade ago, allowing a vast cultural revolution and encouraging generalization.

However, not everything is as democratic as Google pretends to be in its operation. After all, like every American company, it is governed by the laws of that country. Some of them are as absurd and illogical as supporting criminal blockades against Cuba. Among other things, it prevents the island from legally accessing many search engine services.

The accessory services offered by this search engine, such as Earth, Desktop Search, Google Code, or the Toolbar, are also not available to Cubans. Since the blockade cannot see satellite maps of the world, it has advanced tools to find information stored on the computer, to design structures in the third dimension, to advertise online or with Code Search, to search for free code on Open Source or the Internet.

The blockade is not limited to the web services provided. Because they do not allow access to the web page where the official download of Chrome can be obtained, one of the three web browsers that lead this increasingly important market is the computer.

The above is just a sample of some of the programs vetoed in Cuba. It is exciting that some of them, such as Earth or Desktop, were not banned in their first implementation. Because for several months since their implementation, citizens have been able to download something to them that is not possible today.

For instance, it is now clear that certain options, like Code Search, which supposedly advocates for the advantages of open-source software, go against the idea of not allowing the free sharing of information between them. This is in direct conflict with the principles that Google’s creators have consistently upheld.

When trying to access the utilities mentioned above from any server in Cuba, a sharp message appeared in English saying, “Sorry, but this service is not available for your country.”

It has also censored Cuban journalists and blogs from other parts of the world that offer a critical view of current events.

On June 19, 2012, the Analytics service was blocked for users in Cuba in accordance with sanctions imposed by the US blockade.

In June 2014, a high-level delegation from the business giant Google, led by its CEO Eric Schmidt, visited Cuba, where they met with island officials and social actors.

On his return to the US, Schmidt expressed his rejection of the blockade, saying: “The US will have to overcome its history and lift the embargo. Both countries will have to do something politically difficult to do, but it will be worth it.”

Censorship Incident

On January 12, 2011, the Cuban website Cubadebate received a notification from the Google-owned YouTube technical center that its page account on this social network had been closed due to a copyright infringement complaint.

In particular, it referred to a fragment of the presentation video of the Legal Fund for terrorist Luis Posada Carriles in Miami, which Cubadebate had recently published. However, it edited much more extensive material that had been circulating online and reproduced on various sites.

In response to a request from the person who filmed the action that former CIA agent Luis Posada Carriles announced would happen in Cuba this year, the explosion of a Cuban civilian plane, which claimed 73 lives, among the latter, carefully turned off the Cubadebate site on Youtube. At the time, the channel had more than 400 videos and 1.6 million downloads since it was launched almost three years ago.

The site specializing in financial issues, E-Money Daily, warned the company’s investors about the possible impact that censorship of Cubadebate’s video-downloading social network could have on the company’s share price.

The site reviewed the statements made by Cubadebat editor Rosa Miriam Elizalde, who gave assurances to accredited press agencies in Havana.

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