How to Connect to Cisco Router Console in Cisco Packet Tracer

In the actual scenario, to configure a router or switch for the first time, it must be connected to the device through the Console port. If you are preparing for exams with the PT simulator, you can configure a Router to connect to it through the Console to manage it over the network.

Connecting to Cisco Router Console in Packet Tracer

How to Configure Cisco Router using Console Cable

To connect to the Router with the Console, you will need a Rollover cable. One end of this cable is RS-232, and the other end is RJ-45. The RJ-45 end connects to the console port of the Router, and the RS-232 end connects to the computer.

You can also use a USB cable to connect the Console. You can also configure it with a USB Rollover cable with one end of the USB and the other end with RJ-45 (Console Interface).

Follow the steps below to configure a Router in the Packet Tracer via the Console.

   Step 1

First, a Switch, Router, and 3 PCs should be added to the Cisco simulator workspace to create a network topology, as shown in the image below.

Three PCs Connected to a Switch, and Router

   Step 2

Add one Laptop to the Packet Tracer workspace.

Adding a Laptop to the Working Environment of Packet Tracer

   Step 3

From the program’s cable options, click the Console cable.

Displaying Cable Types in Packet Tracer

   Step 4

After clicking on the Laptop, select RS232 from the pop-up window.

Selecting RS 232 Port

   Step 5

After connecting one end of the console cable to the Laptop, click once to attach the other end to the Router.

Attaching the Console Cable to the Router

   Step 6

Select Console from the options on the Router.

Console Port of Router

   Step 7

After connecting the console cable, click on the Laptop and select Terminal from the pop-up window.

Running the Terminal on a Laptop Device

   Step 8

In the terminal configuration window, leave the settings as default and click OK.

Bits Per Second: 9600
Data Bit: 8
Parity: None
Stop Bits: 1
Flow Control: None

Terminal Configuration for Console

   Step 9

After connecting the Laptop to the Router, answer the first configuration question at the CLI prompt as no.

Bypassing the Router's Initial Configuration

   Step 10

Security needs to create a password so that no one else can connect to the Router. To set a new password for the console interface, follow these commands:

R1> enable
R1# conf t
R1(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/0
R1(config-if)# ip address
R1(config-if)# no shutdown
R1(config-if)# exit
R1(config)# line console 0
R1(config-line)# password cisco123
R1(config-line)# login
R1(config-line)# end
R1# wr

Creating a Password for the Console on the Router

   Step 11

Exit the Cisco Router CLI command prompt with the exit command and return to user configuration mode.

Switching from Privileged to User

   Step 12

The next time you connect to the Router, you will be prompted for a password in the CLI. Type the console password you created and press Enter.

User Access Verification

   Step 13

Once you have entered the password, you are ready to configure your Router again!

Manage Cisco Router with Laptop from Console Port


You can watch the video below to manage the Router with the Console and also subscribe to our YouTube channel to support us!


You can perform such basic operations on Packet Tracer. In the actual scenario, after you start configuring a Router, you can enable either Telnet or SSH protocols to connect over the network. Thanks for following us!

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