How to Install Wireshark on Ubuntu

This guide will teach you how to install Wireshark on both older and newer versions of the Linux / Ubuntu operating system. Plus, it will give you a thorough, step-by-step walkthrough of the whole process.

We’ll guide you through the installation using both the command line and a graphical user interface. By the end, your Ubuntu PC will be all set to capture network traffic data for troubleshooting and security. Plus, you’ll be ready to analyze that traffic.

How to Install Wireshark on Ubuntu

How to Set Up Wireshark on Ubuntu 23.10 & 24.04

Wireshark is a GUI-based network packet analysis program that can run on Windows, Linux, and macOS systems. Wireshark instantly analyzes and records packets on the network. In addition, it has a terminal program called “tshark” and contains the same features as the GUI.

The first thing you need to do before installation is to configure the Official Wireshark Repository.

Since it is available in the Repository, its installation is straightforward. Follow the steps below to install the network analysis program step by step.


Step 1

To add Wireshark to the Repository, open Terminal and perform the following command, then press Enter.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wireshark-dev/stable

Adding Wireshark to the Repository

Step 2

To update the package list, execute sudo apt-get update.

sudo apt-get update

Updating Ubuntu Package List

Step 3

Starting Wireshark installation From the terminal, run the “sudo apt-get install wireshark” command.

sudo apt-get install wireshark

Installing Wireshark

Step 4

Press Y to allow the installation of dependent packages for Wireshark, and then press Enter.

Confirm Installation of Dependent Packages

Step 5

If you want to allow non-superusers to perform packet analysis on the network, press Yes. We recommend that you do not enable non-superusers to perform packet analysis on a secure computer.

Wireshark Common

Step 6

After you have successfully installed Wireshark, you can check the version of the program in Help / About.

Verifying Wireshark Version


How to Uninstall Wireshark

You can use Terminal or Package Manager to uninstall Wireshark on your PC completely. The easiest way to uninstall it is to use the terminal.

Follow the steps below to remove Wireshark from Linux.

Step 1

To view the locations where Wireshark is installed, execute the “whereis wireshark” command at the terminal.

whereis wireshark

Check Wireshark Location

Step 2

In the terminal, run sudo apt-get remove –autoremove wireshark wireshark-*.

sudo apt-get remove --autoremove wireshark wireshark-*

Uninstall Wireshark from Ubuntu

Step 3

Press Y to confirm Wireshark removal, and then press Enter.

Confirm Removal

Step 4

Check again the location where Wireshark is installed. If there is a file for Wireshark, delete it with the sudo rm -rf command.

sudo rm -rf /etc/wireshark/

Delete Program Directories



In this article, we have installed Wireshark, which allows you to perform network packet analysis on a Linux-based operating system. Thanks for following us!

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