How to Upgrade Ubuntu to Version 23.10

In this article, I will tell you about the process of upgrading Ubuntu 22.04 to 22.10 or 23.10. Plus, if you are using only terminal commands, I will also cover the instructions for that method.

If you prefer a graphical interface instead of a terminal, I will also provide all the necessary steps. In short, let’s easily update Ubuntu to the latest version by covering both methods!

Upgrading Ubuntu to Latest Version

How to Update Old Version Ubuntu System to Latest Version 22.10

Ubuntu 23.10 was officially released on October 12, 2023. This version will receive security updates until 2024. We know its previous version as Long Term Support.

If you have an older Ubuntu version (22.04, 22.10, or older), you may want to update. In addition, you can do this process using the terminal or GUI.

Advanced users usually update with commands via the terminal. However, beginners can quickly complete the process using the GUI (Graphical User Interface).

If you are going to update via the GUI, you can use the Software Updater tool in System Settings. In addition, you can check for new versions or patches.

If you are on a system without a desktop environment installed, you will need to update via the terminal. Therefore, you must be familiar with Linux commands.

Finally, be sure to back up your projects and files before updating. In addition, we recommend that you take a full system backup with Timeshift.

How to Install the Latest Distribution Version of Ubuntu

To update your Linux computer, you must first update the existing packages. This step is also essential before upgrading the platform version.

You can switch to the new edition after all the packages have been updated. As a result, keeping your packages up to date ensures a smooth upgrade.

Step 1

On your old Ubuntu computer, press CTRL + ALT + T to open the terminal. Then, type “sudo apt update” to update the repository addresses.

sudo apt update

Updating the Repo List

Step 2

You have checked for new versions of packages on your system. Now execute the command “sudo apt dist-upgrade” in the terminal to upgrade to the latest versions.

sudo apt dist-upgrade

Updating Packages

Step 3

After checking the new packages and the ones to be upgraded, confirm the process. Also, you need to press “Y” and then “Enter” to continue the process. Plus, this step starts the upgrade process.

Confirming Packages to Install

Step 4

Downloading new things takes time, depending on your internet speed. Also, once the update process is complete, run the “sudo reboot” command in the terminal.

sudo reboot

Restarting Ubuntu Computer from Terminal

Step 5

After restarting your Ubuntu system, open the terminal. Then, type “sudo do-release-upgrade” to check for a new system version.

sudo do-release-upgrade

NOTE: To upgrade from LTS to NON-LTS, open the console. Type “sudo nano /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades” and press Enter. Change “prompt=lts” to “prompt=normal” in the file, then save and close it.

Starting System Update

Step 6

After checking out the new edition of OS, take note of the resources from which you can get help. Additionally, press Y on the relevant screen and then press Enter.

Reading the Release Notes and Starting the Update

Step 7

After the Ubuntu 23.10 repo list is prepared, start the update process. To do this, press Y, and the installation process will begin at this stage.

Moreover, depending on your Internet connection speed, the update may take about 40 minutes. As a result, do not turn off your PC and wait for the process to complete.

Confirming System Upgrade

Step 8

When the Ubuntu update process is complete, you need to clean up residual packages. To do this, confirm the warning on the relevant screen by pressing Y. In this way, you can improve the performance of your system by cleaning up unnecessary files.

Confirmation of Packages to be Removed

Step 9

You have removed extra packages from your Ubuntu OS. Now, restart your PC after installing the new edition.

System Upgrade Complete

Step 10

After restarting your system, open the console again. This time, execute the “lsb_release -a” command to see the new version you installed.

lsb_release -a
name -a
name -r

Checking the System Version


How to Upgrade Ubuntu using GUI

To upgrade Ubuntu, you don’t need to use only the terminal to install the new release. Instead, you can also use the graphical user interface (GUI).

This method is more suitable, especially for users who are not familiar with Linux commands. In addition, upgrading using the GUI is more straightforward and more user-friendly.

Step 1

When you open the Ubuntu start menu, find the Software Updater application in the search box and open it.

Software Updater

Step 2

Click the Install Now button to update existing applications and system software on your system.

Checking and Installing Updated Packages

Step 3

Linux kernels or modules will be downloaded from the Internet and installed. Since this process will take time according to your Internet speed, do not do any other operations on your PC and wait.

Installing Updates

Step 4

Restart your computer after Software Updater downloads and installs the updates for your system.

Restarting the Computer

Step 5

After restarting your computer, you need to check for new releases of Ubuntu. At this stage, you will need to use the terminal. First, open the console and then type the command “sudo do-release-upgrade -f DistUpgradeViewGtk3” and press Enter.

sudo do-release-upgrade -f DistUpgradeViewGtk3

Checking for a New Ubuntu Release

Step 6

When the Release Notes window opens, you can see that the new release is 23.10. Now click the Upgrade button to upgrade your Ubuntu system to this version.

Welcome to Ubuntu 23.10

Step 7

In the Distribution Upgrade window, you can see that your OS will first be prepared for this process, and then a new tool will be downloaded and installed.

Wait while installing Ubuntu on your computer, and do not do anything that will force your platform.

Updating the System to Version 23.10

Step 8

In the installation of the new release of Linux distribution, 1042 packages will be updated, and 139 new packages will be installed. To start this process, click the Start Upgrade button and continue.

Starting Upgrade

Step 9

After installing Ubuntu’s new packages, click Remove to remove old packages.

Removing Old Packages

Step 10

After you finish the steps to upgrade Ubuntu, you need to restart your PC so the changes will work.

System Reboot

Step 11

To check the new version you installed, open Settings. Then, click About on the left panel. At this point, you can check your computer’s hardware information and operating system version.

Checking the System Version


Installing Old Versions

Ubuntu VersionYouTube VideoSlide
From 21.10 to 22.04 LTSWatch /
From 22.04 LTS to 22.10 (NEW)Watch /

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. Why should I upgrade to Ubuntu?
Upgrading Ubuntu is vital because it gives you access to the latest components, security patches, and bug fixes. Also, outdated software can leave you vulnerable to security threats.
  1. When should I upgrade?
It would be best if you upgraded your OS regularly or whenever a new LTS version is released. This way, you ensure system security and stay up to date with the latest developments.
  1. How can I check which version I am currently using?
In short, open the command console and enter the command lsb_release -a. This command will show detailed information about your Ubuntu version.
  1. What is the difference between the regular version and the LTS version?
You install LTS versions, and you get five years of support. So, that is, it provides stability and long-term maintenance, and they support the regular versions for nine months.
  1. How do I update using the command line?
To update the package list, you should use sudo apt update. Plus, to upgrade installed packages, you should use sudo apt upgrade. On the other hand, you can execute sudo do-release-upgrade to start the distribution upgrade.


In conclusion, you can use a terminal or GUI to upgrade your Ubuntu system. Also, whether you are a beginner or an experienced user, do not forget to backup your files.

In short, the upgrade process is essential, so I recommend that you follow the steps I have provided carefully. As a result, you can successfully update your OS.

Thus, you will benefit from the features and improvements that come with the new version. Finally, always remember to keep your system up to date for security and performance!

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