In today’s world, networks are super important for everything we do. However, as networks get more complicated, administrators have to work more to keep track of them. That’s where the LLTD (Link Layer Topology Discovery) helps out. Made by Microsoft, this standard helps find devices, improve service quality, and analyze LANs.
In this article, we’ll talk about what LLTD protocol is and how it works. So, if you want to comprehend more about it, keep reading!
What Is LLTD Protocol in Networking, and Why Do They Use It?
First of all, LLTD stands for Link Layer Topology Discovery.
LLTD is a particular type of protocol that helps find devices and make sure the service is good in networks. Also, it was made and registered by Microsoft Inc. and did essential jobs.
The Link Layer Topology Discovery has two parts: Mapper and Responder. The Mapper figures out what’s on the LAN and makes a map of it. In short, the Responder gives the Mapper info about the PCs in the environment.
This protocol figures out what’s happening on the LAN (local area network). It uses a special math rule called the RepeatBAND algorithm. So, PCs use this rule to send information back and forth.
Microsoft made this protocol using Rally technology. It moves the layout of LAN and WLAN (wireless local area network) to the picture on your PC screen.
It improves LANs by looking at resources. It’s suitable for tasks that need a lot of bandwidth. Moreover, this includes situations where you need more bandwidth or when you’re streaming media.
This standard works with Windows Vista, 7, and Server 2008. So, it creates a visual representation of what local and wireless LANs look like.
If you have Service Pack 2 or 3, you can add a new feature to your Windows XP OS. This feature only works for the 32-bit system and wasn’t there before. But if you’re using the 64-bit version of XP, you won’t have LLDP.
What are LLTD Responder and Mapper I/O Driver?
The LLTD Responder is a part of the software that answers queries. It gathers details about the network setup and information about devices. This happens when others on the LAN ask questions.
Network administrators can use this protocol to gain insight into the location of devices on the web and their connections. They can also get MAC addresses, IP addresses, and other relevant details.
The LLTD Mapper I/O Driver is a particular type of hardware driver. It helps PCs on the LAN talk to each other using this protocol. Users can use this component to answer questions from different ones. They can also send details about the topology and device info.
Also, the Mapper I/O Driver works together with the Responder component. This makes it simple for administrators to see how devices on the LAN are doing.
The Responder and Mapper I/O Driver parts are helpful for system administrators. They help them get information about PCs. Plus, these parts help quickly find problems.
How Does LLTD Work?
Link Layer Topology Discovery protocol works on the link layer of the OSI standard and can only find devices in the local area. Imagine a Router divides a place into subnets. This standard only works in the same subnet. It can’t reach PCs on different subnets to find info. That’s because it only works at the link layer.
During the discovery process, admins use the Mapper. This tool is super essential for organizing machines on maps. Admins decide which PCs they can and cannot use on specific networks and areas. So, they set up these rules in the computer’s system.
This protocol can also get extra info apart from just finding PCs, switches, or hubs in the LAN. Moreover, it can see stuff like MAC addresses and machine IP addresses.
By gathering data, the protocol sets up LANs. It shows what the area looks like visually, with things like icons and connections between them.
If the gateway has a device in the layout, clicking on it opens the web browser. In short, it starts a session using HTTP or HTTPS, logging into the management interface.
The protocol checks how well things work and looks at how data moves around. It also figures out how much bandwidth there is for data in LAN parts. And it also helps decide which processes can use the space first.
Working Principle
For link-layer topology discovery to happen, you need two things. First, the computers in the LAN need to have Mapper and Responder services installed. Second, you have to turn on these services.
Here’s an example: if you’re using Windows 7, click on the adapter that’s connected to the internet. Then, go to the network and sharing center. In the Ethernet Properties section, make sure to check and enable these options.
In short, for link-layer topology discovery to work correctly in a LAN:
- Install Mapper and Responder services.
- Enable these services on your computer.
- Check settings in Windows 7 by going through specific steps.
Microsoft took out this feature from Windows 8 and 10 systems. But don’t worry; other tools from other companies can still check devices on the network and make a map you can see. Remember, it’s essential to turn on these services on the adapters.
LLTD Usage Areas
This protocol helps network admins determine the setup of the LAN. Also, it has different purposes, such as:
- Network Discovery
With this method, admins can find machines in their local environment. So, they can create a list of all the PCs and network parts online to figure out their IP addresses.
- Network Mapping
This tool helps admins make maps and show where PCs are. The map helps them see how things are connected, which makes it easier to find and fix problems.
- Network Analysis
This tool helps find problems in local LANs. Also, it shows how PCs talk to each other in topology.
- Network Management
This tool helps IT staff make changes. By analyzing the topology, they can see how changes might affect devices on the LAN.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About LLTD
- What is LLTD?
- What does LLTD do?
- Which operating systems does it support?
- How to activate it?
- What are the advantages of LLTD?
- What are the disadvantages?
To sum up, the LLTD protocol is a special kind of communication used for finding PCs and managing how well they work together on a network. It has two parts: Mapper and Responder. These parts team up to make a map of the LAN and tell you about all the appliances connected to it.
So, it helps admins figure out where appliances are and how they’re linked up. It’s handy for spotting problems quickly. Even though Microsoft doesn’t include it in Windows 8 and 10 anymore, other tools can still check PCs and make maps.
It is essential to check that you have these services enabled for your LAN adapters. All in all, this protocol is a helpful tool for admins, and it can make environments work better.