What is Byte?

The byte is equivalent to an octal; for correct purposes, a byte should be considered as a contiguous bit string, the size of which depends on the information code or character code it is defined for.

Byte Definition

Definition of Bytes on Computer

The byte unit does not have an internationally established symbol. ISO and IEC recommend restricting the use of this unit to octets.

Computer architecture is mainly based on binary numbers, so the bytes are counted as the power of the two.

The terms Kilo (in Kilobytes, abbreviated in K) and mega (in Megabytes, abbreviated in M) are used to count the bytes.

It is often used as a primary information storage unit with quantity prefixes.

Initially, it was chosen as a subfield of five to twelve bits of a computer’s word size. The popularity of the IBM S/360 architecture that began in the 1960s and the explosion of 8-bit microprocessor-based microcomputers in the 1980s led to the use of something other than 8-bit. The term octet is used synonymously in protocol definitions.


The term was produced by Waner Buchholz in 1957 in the early design stages of the IBM 7030 Stretch.

It was initially defined by 4-bit instructions that allow one to sixteen bits in one bit. And six-bit units are used in typical I/O equipment.

Then, a fixed 8-bit size was accepted and announced as standard by IBM S/360. The term comes from the term bite, which is the smallest amount of data a computer bites at a time. As a result, all the complexity of meaning has been eliminated thanks to just one letter change.

In the 1960s, however, the Department of Education in the United Kingdom defined one bit as a Binary Digit and one byte as a BinarY TuplE.

Microsoft’s Intel8008 legacy microprocessors use 4-bit processing for the Half Carry flag to perform DAA and decimal calculations. These four bits were later called a nibble.

In computer architecture, 8 bits is an adjective referring to integers, memory addresses, or other data units up to 8 bits wide or to a registry-based CPU, ALU, address bus, or bus architecture.

Other Definitions

The word byte has many interrelated meanings. The first is the contiguous sequence of a fixed number of bits. So, the use of an 8-bit byte is available almost everywhere.

The second is the contiguous bit sequence in a binary computer containing the minor addressable subfield of the computer’s natural word size.

Third, it is the smallest binary data unit where computation is necessary or natural data sizes can be applied.

These appropriately placed bytes comprise Hollerith data of staple cards, typically uppercase alphabets and decimal places. CDC also expresses 12-bit amounts in bytes, each containing two 6-bit characters due to the machine’s 12-bit I/O architecture.

The PDP-10 used LDB and DPB 12-bit assembly instructions to extract the data. These processes survived in Common Lisp today. 6, 7, or 9-bit-bytes have been used on some computers, for example, 36-bit words of PDP-10.

UNIVAC 1100/2200 series computers addressed 6-bit data fields and 36-bit words in 9-bit ASCII mode modes.

Byte Units For Storage

Units and Dimensions
bit (b)0 or 11/8 bayt
byte (B)8 bitOne bayt
kilobyte (KB)10001 bayt1.000 bayt
megabyte (MB)10002 bayt1.000.000 bayt
gigabyte (GB)10003 bayt1.000.000.000 bayt
terabyte (TB)10004 bayt1. bayt
petabyte (PB)10005 bayt1. bayt
exabyte (EB)10006 bayt1. bayt
zettabyte (ZB)10007 bayt1. bayt
yottabyte (YB)10008 bayt1. bayt


In conclusion, bytes are the basic units of data storage and processing in computer systems. They also play an essential role in representing information in various formats.

The historical evolution and standardization of bytes have contributed to the efficient operation of modern digital technologies. However, it is critical to understand the importance of byte units. Knowing their applications in storage and computational processes is essential for anyone working in the field of computer science and technology.

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