How to Install Windows 2000 in Hyper-V

This article will explore configuring Windows 2000 Pro on a new virtual machine using Microsoft’s Hyper-V virtualization software on the Windows 11 or 10 operating system.

How to Install Windows 2000 in Hyper-V

How to Run Windows 2000 on Windows 10 using the Hyper-V Virtualization Software

Windows NT 5.0, which started to be developed after Microsoft’s 9x versions, was named Windows 2000 on February 17, 2000, and released.

With x86 (32 Bit) architecture, Windows 2000 was developed for desktop and business computers. This system offers a better ease of use, enhanced USB connection support, Internet Explorer 5, hardware support, Media Player, improved energy management, and system security and stability over Windows 98.

With the full support of Windows 2000, APM, and ACPI technologies, it is also an operating system suitable for laptop use. It also supports VPN (Virtual Private Network) and IPSec (Internet Protocol Security) technologies to access remote corporate networks, facilitate remote work, and transfer files more securely.

On July 13, 2010, Microsoft officially discontinued the Windows 2000 system, initially developed as a transitional version leading up to Windows NT 5.0. Therefore, installing an old operating system on a physical, up-to-date computer causes unsupported programs and security vulnerabilities.

Therefore, you can install, run and experience this system, whose support has been terminated, on a virtual machine using one of the Hyper-V, VMware, or VirtualBox programs.

How to Create a New Virtual Machine for Windows 2000 OS

When you decide to install this old system of Windows with Hyper-V, you must configure the network adapter and virtual disk settings according to the old hardware. VHDX virtual disk type is supported for Windows 8 and later systems, but you can still install it with this disk type. However, installing it on a VHD disk is recommended for system stability.

Step 1

First, you must create an External Switch to include the virtual machine in your local network. You can effortlessly obtain an automatic IP address from an active DHCP server within your local network using this adapter.

Open the Virtual Switch Manager from the Actions section and select the External type. In contrast, the New Virtual Network Switch option is selected, then click the Create Virtual Switch button.

Creating a New External Switch

Step 2

After creating the External Switch, select the network adapter of your host computer from the External Network section and confirm the changes after clicking OK.

Choosing External Adapter

Step 3

For Windows 2000 virtual PC, you must create a fixed-size virtual disk with VHD type. If you configure the virtual disk size as a Fixed Size in old systems, you will ensure the system works more stable and performs better.

Click Action / New / Hard Disk in the Hyper-V Manager tool menu and open the wizard.

Creating a New Hard Disk

Step 4

In the virtual disk creation wizard, you can create one of the VHD, VHDX, and VHDS virtual disk types on your physical disk.

Virtual Hard Disk Wizard

Step 5

After clicking Next in the previous window, select the VHD disk type in the Choose Disk Format window.

Selecting the VHD Disk Type

Step 6

You can set the size of the virtual disk you want to create as fixed-size or dynamically expanding. With dynamically expanding disk type, the disk space required by the VM will automatically increase during the process, which can reduce performance on older systems. So, check Fixed Size and click Next to create a 2GB fixed-size virtual disk.

Configuring Virtual Disk as Fixed Size

Step 7

Change the name of the virtual disk and store the disk storage location to the location where you will install the VM.

Specifying the Location of the Virtual HDD

Step 8

Set the size of the virtual hard disk as 2 GB according to your needs and continue.

Configuring Virtual HDD Size

Step 9

After checking the settings you made in the virtual HDD’s summary window, click Finish.

Closing a Virtual Disk's Summary Window

Step 10

Click Action / New / Virtual Machine from the tool menu to create a new virtual machine in Hyper-V.

Creating a New Virtual Machine

Step 11

When the virtual computer creation wizard opens, click Next to prepare a manual VM.

Choosing Manual VM Creation

Step 12

After typing the operating system’s name, tick the relevant option to store the VM on an external storage device and specify the location via the Browse button.

Configuring the Virtual Machine Name and Installation Location

Step 13

Since Windows 2000 supports BIOS-based firmware type, select Generation 1 in the Generation window and continue.

Generation 1

Step 14

Configure the dynamic memory size for the virtual machine as 1024 MB (1 GB) and click Next.

Configuring Virtual Memory Size

Step 15

Leave the connection type Not Connected in the network settings window and click Next.

Configuring the VM's Network Settings

Step 16

To add the virtual hard disk with the VHD extension you created to the VM, check the Use an existing virtual hard disk choice and then specify the location of the VHD disk.

Use an Existing Virtual Hard Disk

Step 17

Check the changes you have made in the summary window showing the settings of the virtual computer and close the window.

Closing the VM's Summary Window

Step 18

After completing the virtual appliance, you will notice it in the Virtual Machines area, and you can access and control it easily. Right-click on the VM, open the Settings window, select the existing Network Adapter, click the Remove button, and confirm the operation.

Deleting an Existing Network Adapter

Step 19

Since Windows 2000 is an older operating system, you must add a legacy-equipped network adapter. Select Add Hardware, then select Legacy Network Adapter from the hardware on the right and click the Add button.

Legacy Network Adapter

Step 20

After adding the Legacy Network Adapter, select the Virtual Switch setting as External.

Changing Virtual Switch

Step 21

Finally, click DVD Drive and select Image File to add a Windows 2000 ISO file to the virtual machine. Specify the location of the ISO file you downloaded to your computer from via Browse.

Adding a Windows 2000 ISO File to a Virtual Machine

Step 22

Once you have added the ISO file to the virtual computer, right-click, select Connect, and initiate the Windows installation procedure.

Running the Virtual Computer

How to Install Windows 2000

After preparing and running the Windows 2000 virtual computer, you can install it as if you were installing it on a physical computer.

Step 1

Click Enter at the Windows 2000 Professional Setup screen to start the installation immediately, R to repair your system, or F3 to exit Setup.

Windows 2000 Professional Setup

Step 2

You can go to the next page by pressing PAGE DOWN to read all the Windows 2000 license agreement content. If you want to exit without accepting the license agreement, you can press ESC.

Press F8 to read and accept the Windows license terms and continue.

Accepting the Windows License Agreement

Step 3

Press the C key to make a new partition on the virtual HDD you have added to the virtual machine, or press Enter to create a new section and start the installation automatically.

Configuring Unallocated Disk Space

Step 4

Suppose you decide to create a new section on the disk. In that case, the wizard will automatically generate your required disk space. If you confirm to use all the disk space made, press Enter.

Editing Partition Size

Step 5

The drive letter of the first partition created will be C. Press Enter on it to install Windows 2000 on the C drive.

Installing Windows on C Drive

Step 6

Format and prepare the virtual disk partition using the NTFS file system.

Formatting Virtual Disk with NTFS File System

Step 7

Wait while the Setup wizard formats the virtual disk.

Formatting the Disk

Step 8

After the disk is formatted, the wizard will start copying the Windows system files.

Copying Windows Files

Step 9

After the wizard has copied the Windows 2000 system files, press Enter to restart the VM.

Restarting the Virtual PC

Step 10

Wait while your virtual system restarts. The installation will continue when the system boots up.

Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional Built on NT Technology

Step 11

In the Windows 2000 Setup Wizard, click Next to let the wizard gather information about the hardware.

Windows 2000 Setup Wizard

Step 12

Wait while Setup detects and installs devices on your virtual computer.

Identifying Hardware on Virtual PC

Step 13

After collecting the necessary information for the Guest operating system, select your system display language and keyboard layout according to your country in the Regional Settings window.

Configuring Region and Keyboard Layout Settings

Step 14

Type a new username for your virtual system’s user account.

Typing a Username

Step 15

Type your 25-character Windows 2000 Professional product key and click Next.

Windows 2000 Pro Product Key

Step 16

Type your computer name, create a new admin account password, and continue.

Typing a Computer Name

Step 17

Configure the time and date settings of the guest machine according to the location you live in.

Configuring Date and Time Settings

Step 18

Please wait while the wizard installs the necessary network software for your virtual machine to communicate with other computers and connect it to the local network and the Internet.

Windows is Installing Networking Components

Step 19

Select Typical Settings for the network settings of the virtual machine and continue.

Typical Network Settings

Step 20

If you will use the VM in a domain environment, select the option below and type the domain name. If you will use the VM in a Workgroup environment, select No.

Workgroup or Domain Settings

Step 21

Wait while setting up Windows 2000 components. Please note that the period of this procedure may change depending on the performance capabilities of your host device. It may take some time to complete the installation, so patience’s essential throughout the process.

Installing System Components

Step 22

Wait while the wizard configures the start menu items and registry components and deletes temporary files.

Performing Final Settings

Step 23

After completing the Windows 2000 setup wizard, remove the ISO file from the VM and click Finish.

Closing the Setup Wizard

Step 24

When your virtual system restarts, click Next when the Network Identification Wizard window opens.

Network Identification Wizard

Step 25

Type the user’s credentials who will log on to this computer and continue.

Creating Password for User Account

Step 26

After completing the network identification wizard, click Finish.

Closing the Network Wizard

Step 27

After making the necessary settings, the Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional desktop environment will open.

Windows 2000 Professional Desktop

How to Test Internet Connection

After installing Windows 2000 with Hyper-V, verifying connectivity to the local network and the Internet within the virtual machine is essential.

Step 1

Open Run by pressing Windows Key + R, type CMD and click the OK button to run the command prompt. Test your connection by pinging Google servers by executing the ping command.

Checking Internet Connection with Ping

Step 2

Now that you can access the Internet, open Internet Explorer, and when the Internet connection wizard opens, select the I am connecting via LAN option and click Next.

Internet Connection Wizard

Step 3

In the window asking how you connect to the Internet, tick the option “I’m connecting via LAN again” and continue.

I'm Connecting to the Internet over LAN

Step 4

Configure the proxy setting automatically and click Next.

Enabling Automatic Discovery of Proxy Server

Step 5

Check the No option to skip creating an Internet mail account.

Internet Mail Account

Step 6

After completing the Internet connection wizard, click Finish.

Closing the Internet Wizard

Step 7

Check your connection by visiting the Google search engine with Internet Explorer.

Visiting the Homepage of the Google Search Engine with Internet Explorer


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